[www.git] / www / news / asciidoctor_to_rss.html
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11 <h1>Asciidoctor to RSS</h1>
12 </div><div id='content'>
13 <div class='date'>2016-11-07</div><div id="preamble">
14 <div class="sectionbody">
15 <div class="paragraph">
16 <p>In order to have a website based only on Asciidoctor
17 documents, I have written a small utility which
18 converts a set of Asciidoctor documents to HTML pages and
19 generates a RSS 2.0 feed.</p>
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24 <h2 id="_installation_of_asciidoctor_to_rss">Installation of asciidoctor_to_rss</h2>
25 <div class="sectionbody">
26 <div class="paragraph">
27 <p>It is required to install:</p>
28 </div>
29 <div class="ulist">
30 <ul>
31 <li>
32 <p>maven</p>
33 </li>
34 <li>
35 <p>java (&gt;1.7)</p>
36 </li>
37 </ul>
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39 <div class="paragraph">
40 <p>The sources can be retrieved from GIT:</p>
41 </div>
42 <div class="listingblock">
43 <div class="content">
44 <pre>git clone git clone https://git.wpitchoune.net/asciidoctor_to_rss.git</pre>
45 </div>
46 </div>
47 <div class="paragraph">
48 <p>Compilation:</p>
49 </div>
50 <div class="listingblock">
51 <div class="content">
52 <pre>cd asciidoctor_to_rss
53 mvn clean install</pre>
54 </div>
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58 <div class="sect1">
59 <h2 id="_howto_write_news">Howto write news</h2>
60 <div class="sectionbody">
61 <div class="paragraph">
62 <p>Each news has to be written in a separate Asciidoctor document
63 and all documents must be dropped into a directory.</p>
64 </div>
65 <div class="paragraph">
66 <p>There is not any restriction concerning the syntax because
67 the utility is based on the java bridge of Asciidoctor.
68 I have added an attribute 'date' which allows the utility
69 to know the publication date of the news.</p>
70 </div>
71 <div class="paragraph">
72 <p>You can see some examples at <a href="https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=tree;f=src/news;hb=HEAD" class="bare">https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=tree;f=src/news;hb=HEAD</a> .
73 The source document of this news is at <a href="https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=blob;f=src/news/asciidoctor_to_rss.adoc;hb=HEAD" class="bare">https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=blob;f=src/news/asciidoctor_to_rss.adoc;hb=HEAD</a></p>
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77 <div class="sect1">
78 <h2 id="_configuration">Configuration</h2>
79 <div class="sectionbody">
80 <div class="paragraph">
81 <p>The configuration of the utility can be done in text file.</p>
82 </div>
83 <div class="paragraph">
84 <p>See an example at <a href="https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=blob;f=src/asciidoctorrss.props;hb=HEAD" class="bare">https://wpitchoune.net/gitweb/?p=www.git;a=blob;f=src/asciidoctorrss.props;hb=HEAD</a> .</p>
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88 <div class="sect1">
89 <h2 id="_run_the_utility">Run the utility</h2>
90 <div class="sectionbody">
91 <div class="paragraph">
92 <p>The command line usage is:</p>
93 </div>
94 <div class="listingblock">
95 <div class="content">
96 <pre>asciidoctor_to_rss.sh &lt;IN_DIR&gt; &lt;OUT_DIR&gt; &lt;CFG_FILE&gt;</pre>
97 </div>
98 </div>
99 <div class="paragraph">
100 <p><code>IN_DIR</code>:</p>
101 </div>
102 <div class="paragraph">
103 <p><code>OUT_DIR</code>:</p>
104 </div>
105 <div class="paragraph">
106 <p><code>CFG_FILE</code>:</p>
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