PRSS ==== PRSS is a GTK+ client application for Tiny Tiny RSS. Installation from sources ------------------------- Build prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To compile PRSS, the following librairies and tools must be installed: * asciidoc * autoconf * automake * autopoint * cppcheck * gettext * help2man * CURL library * GConf2 library * GTK+ 3 library * JSON-C library * GTK+ Webkit 2 library * perl For Ubuntu 13.04, the following list of packages must be installed: * asciidoc * autoconf * automake * autopoint * debhelper * cppcheck * gettext * help2man * libcurl4-gnutls-dev * libgconf2-dev * libgtk-3-dev * libjson0-dev * libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev * perl Download sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download a source archive from or checkout the last development sources from the repository: ----------------------------- svn co ----------------------------- Compilation and installation of PRSS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the directory of the sources: ----------------------------- ./configure make clean all sudo make install ----------------------------- Installation from PPA --------------------- For Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04: ------------------------------ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/prss sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ------------------------------ Configuration ------------- Open the web interface of Tiny Tiny RSS, login, open the preferences, set +Enable external API+ to +Yes+ and click on the button +Save configuration+. Launch PRSS, click on the button 'Preferences' in the toolbar, set the +URL+ to +http://server_hostname/tt-rss+, and set the login and password fields.