Psensor ======= Introduction ------------ Psensor is a graphical hardware monitoring application for Linux. It draws realtime charts and raises alerts about: * the temperature of the motherboard and CPU sensors (using lm-sensors). * the temperature of the NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl). * the temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or libatasmart). * the rotation speed of the fans (using lm-sensors). * the temperature of a remote computer. * the cpu load. Alerts are using Desktop Notification and a specific GTK+ status icon. For Ubuntu users, Psensor is providing an Application Indicator which turns red under alert and a menu for quickly check all sensors. It is possible to monitor remotely a computer: * start +psensor-server+ on the remote computer. * start +psensor+ using: +psensor --url=http://hostname:3131+. +psensor-server+ is a minimal Web server, a Web browser can be used to monitor the remote computer by opening the URL: +http://hostname:3131+. [WARNING] +psensor-server+ does not provide any way to restrict the connection to the HTTP server, worst, no effort has been made against malicious HTTP attacks. You should make the +psensor-server+ port available only to a network or computer you trust by using the usual network security tools of the system (for example:[iptables]). Installation Using Distribution Packages ---------------------------------------- Debian ~~~~~~ For Debian, the binary and source packages are available in the Wheezy, unstable and testing repositories. Debian package information is available at: To do the installation: -------------------------------------------- sudo apt-get install psensor psensor-server -------------------------------------------- Ubuntu ~~~~~~ Since Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10), psensor is available in the universe repository of Ubuntu. To install +psensor+ or +psensor-server+: ------------------------------------ sudo apt-get install psensor sudo apt-get install psensor-server ------------------------------------ Or search them in the Ubuntu Software Center. For other Ubuntu releases or user the more recent release, the easiest way is to use the dedicated PPA. Last stable version: ------------------------------------------------- sudo apt-get apt-add-repository ppa:/jfi/psensor sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install psensor sudo apt-get install psensor-server ------------------------------------------------- Last development version which should not contain major bugs: ---------------------------------------------------------- sudo apt-get apt-add-repository ppa:/jfi/psensor-unstable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install psensor sudo apt-get install psensor-server ---------------------------------------------------------- Daily trunk build which may contain major bugs and partialy implemented features: ------------------------------------------------------------- sudo apt-get apt-add-repository ppa:/jfi/psensor-daily-trunk sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install psensor sudo apt-get install psensor-server ------------------------------------------------------------- Installation From Source Archive -------------------------------- +psensor+ and +psensor-server+ can be compiled and installed on any modern GNU/Linux distribution. Compilation Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compilation of +psensor+ requires: * make * gcc (or llvm) * lm-sensors * library sensors4 * library gtk3 * library gconf2 * help2man * asciidoc (optional, required to produce the html version of the faq) * cppcheck (optional, static source checker) * library libnotify (optional) * library libappindicator (optional) * library libXNVCtrl (optional) * library json0 and curl (optional, required for remote monitoring) * library unity (>=v3.4.2, optional) * library gtop2 (optional, required for CPU usage) * library atasmart (optional, for disk monitoring) The specific requirements for +psensor-server+: * library libmicrohttpd * library json0 For Debian: ----------------------------------------------------------------- sudo apt-get install asciidoc cppcheck gcc gettext libgtk-3-dev libgconf2-dev libnotify-dev libsensors4-dev help2man libcurl4-openssl-dev libjson0-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libgtop2-dev libatasmart-dev make ----------------------------------------------------------------- For Fedora 17: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sudo yum install gcc gtk3-devel GConf2-devel lm_sensors-devel cppcheck libatasmart-devel libcurl-devel json-c-devel libmicrohttpd-devel help2man libnotify-devel libgtop2-devel make ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation and Installation Steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. download the source archive from: 2. Extract files from the source archive 3. Compilation: +./configure;make clean all+ 4. Installation: +make install+ (require to have root permission) 5. Start the sensor detection script: +sensors-detect+ and follows the instructions. Then, teboot or activate the kernel modules which have been found. 7. To monitor HDDs, the +hddtemp+ daemon must be installed and running. 8. Run: +psensor+ ATI/AMD GPU Support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the OpenSource ATI driver(nouveau) is used, the monitoring information is available throw lm-sensors and does not require the following instructions. When the proprietary ATI driver(Catalyst) is used, the build is requiring an additional library. Download the[ATI ADL SDK] and extracts the files of the archive into a directory [dir]. Replace the step 7. of the above section by +./configure --with-libatiadl=[dir]+ where +[dir]+ must be the directory where you have extracted the ATI ADL SDK. Other steps are indentical. Contact ------- Bugs and comments can be sent to Home page: