This document is explaining step by step how to build the Debian package of psensor directly from the GIT repository.

Build the Debian package

Install git-buildpackage:

sudo apt-get install git-buildpackage

Install all build dependencies (you can get it from the variable Build-depends of the file debian/control):

sudo apt-get install ...

Checkout the source of psensor and its packaging:

git clone

Build the Debian package:

cd psensor-pkg-debian.git

Build to another Debian distribution

pbuilder can be used to build psensor to another Debian distribution than the one used by the build machine.

Installation of pbuilder:

apt-get install pbuilder qemu-user-static

Create the distribution image:

git-pbuilder create --config raspbian.pbuilderrc

The variable DISTRIBUTION in the configuration file is specifying the distribution target of the build. It might be useful for example to check the compilation on the 'testing' flavor of Debian.

See a configuration example for Raspbian: raspbian.

To update the image:

git-pbuilder update

Checkout the source of psensor and its packaging:

git clone

And finally, build the Debian package:

git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder
