ppastats is a command line tool which produces HTML report for viewing download statistics of an Ubuntu PPA.

Examples are available at: http://wpitchoune.net/ppastats/ppa.

The license of ppastats is GPL v2.

ppastats works fine with Firefox 6/7, Google Chrome 12 and IE8.


ppastats jfi psensor-unstable -o /var/www/ppastats

Generates the HTML report for the PPA: ppa:jfi/psensor-unstable.

Use ppastats --help for more options.



For Ubuntu, the easiest way to install ppastats is to use its dedicated PPA:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:jfi/ppastats
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ppastats


ppastats should compile on any modern Linux distribution, it requires the CURL and json-c libraries.

Download the source archive from: http://wpitchoune.net/ppastats/files.

For compilation on Ubuntu:

apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libjson0-dev
make clean all

and finally, install ppastats:

sudo make install

Alternatively, the last development version can be retrieved using GIT:

git clone git://git.wpitchoune.net/ppastats.git

To build the Ubuntu package:

git clone git://git.wpitchoune.net/ppastats-pkg-ubuntu.git
cd ppastats-pkg-ubuntu



Bugs and comments can be sent to jeanfi@gmail.com.

For announces or general information subscribe to ppastats Google+ page.