= How to build the Debian package of `psensor` from GIT :docinfo2: :icons: font This document is explaining step by step how to build the Debian package of psensor directly from the GIT repository. == Build the Debian package Install `git-buildpackage`: ---- sudo apt-get install git-buildpackage ---- Install all build dependencies (you can get it from the variable `Build-depends` of the file `debian/control`): ---- sudo apt-get install ... ---- Checkout the source of `psensor` and its packaging: ---- git clone https://gitlab.com/jeanfi/psensor-pkg-debian.git ---- Build the Debian package: ---- cd psensor-pkg-debian.git git-buildpackage ---- == Build to another Debian distribution `pbuilder` can be used to build `psensor` to another Debian distribution than the one used by the build machine. Installation of `pbuilder`: ---- apt-get install pbuilder qemu-user-static ---- Create the distribution image: ---- git-pbuilder create --config raspbian.pbuilderrc ---- The variable `DISTRIBUTION` in the configuration file is specifying the distribution target of the build. It might be useful for example to check the compilation on the 'testing' flavor of `Debian`. See a configuration example for `Raspbian`: link:raspbian.pbuilderrc[raspbian]. To update the image: ---- git-pbuilder update ---- Checkout the source of `psensor` and its packaging: ---- git clone https://gitlab.com/jeanfi/psensor-pkg-debian.git ---- And finally, build the `Debian` package: ---- git-buildpackage --git-pbuilder ---- == References * https://wiki.debian.org/git-pbuilder * https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/build.en.html